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Download Dr RMLAU MA English Syllabus - First Year Syllabus - RMLAU Syllabus 2021

    There are five papers in rmlau MA Previous English Syllabus (MA first year syllabus) -

    MA English First Year Syllabus-

    Paper 1

    Poetry from Chaucer to Collins

    Paper 2


    Paper 3


    Paper 4

    Fiction for non detailed study

    Paper 5

    Indian English literature

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    For Dr RMLAU MA English Syllabus - Second Year Syllabus (Final year syllabus) - Click Here

    PAPER 1 - Poetry from Chaucer to Collins

    Section A - 

    1 - Geoffrey Chaucer - The Prolouge to Canterbury Tales

    2- Edmund Spenser - Epithalamion

    3 - William Shakespeare - The Following Sonnets; 
                                     (A) No.3 - Look in the Glass and Tell the face Thou Viewest
                                     (B)No.13 -Shall I compare thee to Summer's Day
                                    (C) No.50- So Heavy Do I Journy On the way
                                     (D)-No.100- Where are You thou, muse
                                     (E) No.129.- The Expense of street in a Shame
                                     (F)No.131. - Thou Art as Tyrannous, So as thou Art
                                    (G)No.141. - In Faith I Do not Beleive thee with Mine Eyes
                                    (H) No.151- Love is too Young to know what Conscience Is


    1.John Milton -       Paradise Lost, Book I
    2. John Donne -  (A) A Velediction - Forbidding Mourning
                               (B) - Canonization
                                (C)- Death  Be Not Proud

    3. Andrew Marvell - (A)- To his Coy Mistress
                                      (B)- The Garden
    4. John Drydren  - Mac Flecknoe

    1.Alexander Pope - The Rope of the Lock
    2. Thomas Gray - (A) The Proress of Posy
                                 (B)The Bard
    3. William Collins - (A) Ode to Evening
                                    (B) Ode on the Passions

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    1. William Shakespeare - (A)Hamlet
                                             (B) The Tempest
                                             (C) A Mid Summer Nights Dream
                                             (D) Richard II (Non Detailed Study)


    1. Ben Johnson - Every Man in His Humour
    2. Christopher Marloew - The Tragical History of Doctor  Faustus
    3.John Webster- The Duchess Of Malfi
    4. R.B. Sheridan

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    PAPER 3 - PROSE 


    1.Francis Bacon - (A)of truth, 
                                  (B) of friendship, 
                                  (C) of delays 
                                  (D)of discourse

    2. Joseph Addison -  (A)the aim of spectator
                                      (B)the scope of the satire

    3. Charles lamb  - (A)Oxford in the vacation, 
                                 (B)poor relations, 
                                 (C) A bachelor's complaint of the behaviour of married people

    Section B (for detailed study)

    1. William hazlitt - On going a journey
    2. John Ruskin -  Unto the last
    3. R l Stevenson - An apology for elders walking tours,

    Section C (for non detailed study)

    1.  GK chesterton - (A) a defence of nonsense 
                                    (B)a piece of chalk
    2. Robert lynd - (A)the darkness, 
                               (B)on not being a philosopher, 
                               (C)the pleasure of ignorance
    3. JB priestley - (A)my first article, 
                              (B)seeing the actors, 
                              (C)on doing nothing

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    Paper 4 - Fiction (for non detailed study)

    Section A
    1. Henry Fielding - Joseph Andrws
    2. Jane Austen - Sense and sensibility
    3. Sir Walter Scott -  Heart of midlothian


    1. Charles Dickens - Great expectations
    2. WM Thackeray - Vanity Fair
    3. Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D'urbervilles

    Section C
    1. DH Lawrence - Sons and lovers
    2. Em forster - A passage to India
    3. James Joyce - A portrait of the artist as a young man
    4. Vs naipaul - A house for Mr biswas


    Paper 5 Indian English literature 

    Section A
    1. Sarojini Naidu - Sceptred flute (first 10 poems)
    2. Aryan tagore - Gitanjali (first 10 poems)
    3. Taru datta - (A)Savitri 
                           (C) Sita 
    (from ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan)
    4. AK ramanujan - Love poem To A wife obituary
    5. Nissim ezekiel - (A) And I reject the Indian noise 
                                   (B) poet lover and birdwatcher
    6. Kam lata Das - A man is a season forest fire

    Section B (fication for non detailed study)
    1. RK Narayan - The guide
    2. Raja Rao - The serpent and the rope
    3. Mulk Raj Anand - The coolie
    4. Salman Rushdie - The midnight children

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